Goodbye Japan, Hello World
In a case of Captain Bloody Obvious Strikes Again, I've been neglecting this blog somewhat of late. In short, I've been soaking up a month of South Australia love - a fortnight each in Adelaide and Port Lincoln - having left Japan on the 23rd of last month. And the past fortnight in Adelaide has just confirmed what I always thought - it really is a fabulous place. Not in the mind-blowing, postcard-perfect sense of Hong Kong or Paris or whatever, but as a place to live and absorb life, it can't be beat.
That said, I'm leaving it again on Tuesday for my long-anticipated and heavily-planned (for those who know me at all, that's an inevitability) tour du monde. Eighty-eight days living out of my trusty backpack, before heading home and hopefully getting the French teaching position at a snooty all-girl school that was advertised in the paper yesterday. So, Oh! Blog is on hiatus until December. Goodbye Japan, Hello World indeed.