Oh! Blog.

Oh! It's a blog. When life gives you lemons... throw them at someone you don't like.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Nostalgia. Also, Gnomes.

I tend to be a very nostalgic person, especially in regard to places. I walk past my childhood home every day, going to and from school, and whilst passing it today, I had a particularly strong pang of nostalgia, and an urge to ask the current resident if I could just go for a wander around the garden a bit. Sounds weird, I know. The backyard, meanwhile, is along the street, and is very exposed and visible. So I had a peek into the yard, and there was a rowboat just sort of dumped on the lawn and OH MY GOD GARDEN GNOMES ARE YOU KIDDING ME.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Some more names I like

I really should be going to bed right now, but here are some more imaginary band names I like:

The Buttons
The Moments
The Oratories
The Nations
The Paperwork

Once, in year 6, we had to come up with names for our table groups. I came up with Frog In A Blender, and thought that was fabulous. Just so you know.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

What should I call my book?

I've drafted it with just the name of the first blog - "This Is A Tree" - though I'm sure I could do better.
Any suggestions? I'll go with anything, besides Engrish. If anyone suggests "Let's Blogging With Us," I may react inappropriately.