The Greatest Show on Earth
My favourite TV show, the only one I watch seriously any more, is back on. Yes, it's time for the tenth Amazing Race.
It's nice to finally see some diversity in the cast; it's certainly time to take a break from pretty, young, bickering couples, and tags like "dating/models," "friends/models," and "Satanists/models." Of course, of the non-Caucasian teams, two were eliminated in the first episode. They seemed like lovely folks. Damn.
The most interesting bit of diversity-casting, though, comes from a coal-mining couple from Kentucky. It's diversity of classes, not races, and actually comes across more strikingly. As in, the hard-working white miners stand out more than the devout, beardy Muslims. These two have never a) travelled beyond Kentucky or Tennessee, b) been on a passenger train, c) never met gay people, and d) never met Asian people. I cannot imagine never seeing people of other races, or travelling beyond my own state. It'll be interesting to see what happens to that team.
Also of some interest is the pair of pageant queens, if only because a) they seem aware that they are instantly hateable by virtue of being pageant queens in the first place, and b) they're quite competent racers, and, missing-horseriding-helmet aside, are low on sucking.
Also, they went to Mongolia! Neat!
Survivor is also on, which I watch despite becoming more ridiculous each season. They're gonna run out of idyllic tropical islands soon. I'm all for future seasons of "Survivor: Svalbard" or perhaps "Survivor: Kyrgyzstan."
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Where are you getting these shows Bob? I haven't seen The Amazing Race (Bless Phill Keoghans little Kiwi heart!) since the notorious couple Johnathan and Victoria were on it!
Bob, clearly you are mistaken. While "The Great Escape" may be one of the greatest shows on earth, it is not THE greatest. That is clearly the Eurovision Song Contest. And the second greatest show? The Eurovision Song Contest Qualifying Round of course! So "the Great Escape" might qualify for third place. Hope you don't mind me clearing that up for you...
Hi Chris,
I do not think Bob was referring only to comedy shows; as you clearly are ;)
Keep smiling!
Hey Bob! You are now linked up to my blog, so my readers can move with ease back and forth between your blog and mine.
Sweet! As is yours, Vincent.
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