Nothing out of the ordinary, then.
This morning, I saw the former boss of the Takebe BOE (now retired) standing in the car park of the town Culture Centre, yelling "ohayo gozaimasu" at all who passed by through a megaphone. He saw me and called out, "Mistaa Robaht, good morningu!"
I have no idea what's happening around me.
Meanwhile, yesterday's elementary school day was grand. First, the year 3/4 class gave me a "thank you" book they'd made for me (their teacher was very impressed that I could actually read it... this is the woman who asked me "do you know any Japanese words? For example, "arigato"?). Then, at the end of the day, the year 6s (all three of them) held a party in their classroom for the teachers. They made fruit-filled crepes and sweet potato chips, and we played Uno and Shiritori. It was grand.
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