Oh! Blog.

Oh! It's a blog. When life gives you lemons... throw them at someone you don't like.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The School of Suck.

Today's elementary school day just plain sucked. Let me run you through it:
Lesson 1: year 5. Pretty good.
Lesson 2: Year 1 and 2. Chaotic. Kids can't sit still or listen, teachers do little to help the situation.
Lesson 3: Year 6. Entire class (bar three) refuses to talk.
Lunch: With year 6. Their teacher asks them to talk to me. Silence. I ask the class - in Japanese - what they'd like to do next lesson. Silence.
Lesson 4: Year 3 and 4. Year 4 kids are 10 minutes late, both teachers are over 15 minutes late. No explanation. Lesson is therefore very behind plan and I try to rush through; class is chaotic.


Blogger Sir Roar said...

hey bob... I am just wondering how you got your teaching job there in Japan.. I have plans of going there you know... Hmmm...WOuld you recommend it?

3:40 pm  
Blogger Bob said...

I recommend it. Just not the occassional sucky day like today.

4:37 pm  
Blogger sojourner incognito said...

In my two months here, I've found JET to be a stupidly comfortable way to get into Japan.
Once you start your first day of work, and realise that you won't even be able to budge the system, you gracefully declare defeat, and always take a novel to work.
The pay is good, the hours allow for more daydreaming than I've done since I was in a crib, I highly recommend it. It's a wonderful holiday from " ahem real life".

4:12 pm  

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