Oh! Blog.

Oh! It's a blog. When life gives you lemons... throw them at someone you don't like.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A List

Yes, I have a lot of China stories and photos to share, and I'll get to that later this evening, but for now, I thought I'd share a list. I was looking around at my rather cluttered little house, and got to thinking that in a few months I'll have to fit all of this stuff into a suitcase, a backpack, and a couple of boxes for posting. Then I got to thinking that despite all the stuff lying around, I have very few mementoes of Japan that I feel the need to keep. Then, as is my wont, I made a list.

Japan-Stuff I Need To Keep
1. Keitai
2. Hanko
3. Yukata
4. Plastic tonkatsu and taiyaki lantern
5. Beer mug nicked from karaoke with karaoking-cat
6. Purikura stickers
7. Towel from the international sports festival, featuring Momichi in all his different sporting guises

That's all I can think of! I may also have to stop hoarding the mass of postcards and pictures cut out of magazines and diaries that I keep dragging around. Of course, one could say that the best mementoes are photos, of which I now have 4,892. Shashintastic, no?
This is packing business is gonna be fun. Or not.


Blogger Dom said...

please don't keep that plastic tonkotsu. It really really looks like plastic vomit in your kitchen.

7:31 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do not forget the Three Ms that you have gained:

the Memories
the Mates
and the Money

well whatever is left as yet unspent that is.

12:34 pm  

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