Oh! Blog.

Oh! It's a blog. When life gives you lemons... throw them at someone you don't like.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Let's Complicated.

First of all, I apologise for my reverting back to Engrish. It was either going to be that, or "The Saga Of Attempted Washing Machine Purchase," which isn't quite as catchy. Nevertheless, yesterday I attempted to buy a washing machine, and it has been quite a saga.
I visited my friendly local electrical store and picked out a machine. Not quite having the cash in the bank to buy it there and then (since I bought my wonderful dining setting, which isn't that exciting, but it's the first time I've ever bought my own furniture, so I'm pretty excited about it) , I opted for one of those 12 months interest-free deals. However! I needed photo i.d. to finish the application, and my expired learner's permit wouldn't cut it.
I went home and came back to the shop with my passport. Turns out that if you use some i.d. other than a driving licence, you need to show a utility bill as well. Don't ask me why.
Today I came back to the shop again with a phone bill in hand. Finished the application, and it was rejected. This was presumably on the grounds that I haven't been with my current employer very long, but the helpful computer screen says nothing. So, I'm advised to change to a rent-to-buy kind of thing. This has to be arranged by phone. We (the storeperson and I) sit on hold for a half hour. We get through to the rental people, everything is sorted out, and it's only twenty minutes after closing time.
I start walking home. A few hundred metres away from the shop, a car pulls over, and it's the salesperson, who forgot to get my signature on some forms. Since she's in a car and I'm walking and it's about 30 million degrees today, she drives me home.
Did I tell you it was a saga? It was a saga.

In other stupidity today, I put some juice in the freezer to cool it down quickly. When I poured it out, it was all slushy and reminded me of the fruity frozen margaritas at Moby Dick in Okayama, so I put a splash of pisco. Now it tastes horrible.

Oh well, no more laundromat, at least.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, we all know laundromats are for crazies anyhow.

7:10 am  

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