Oh! Blog.

Oh! It's a blog. When life gives you lemons... throw them at someone you don't like.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Holidays! or, The Slackest Man In Existence.

Good lord, I haven't blogged for a long time. I blame having an actual full-time, hard-working job for... the first time ever, I do believe. Term 1 has been survived, and now I am basking in the glory of two weeks holiday. I've been doing as little as possible - walking around the lakes, going to the library, cooking - nothing thrilling.
Tomorrow, however, I'm going to Melbourne for a four-day weekend of fabulousness with some equally fabulous friends. As a kid, I liked to hate Melbourne, though I can't really remember why - possibly just because of a perceived obligation to hate everything in Victoria. Thankfully, that perception is long gone, and I can acknowledge now that Melbourne is fantastic. It'll be nice to spend some time in a genuine Big City for a few days.
Meanwhile, since I haven't written in so long, here's a recap of the past couple of months: work, regional sports day (we came 5th of 8, woe), work, wonderful Easter trip to Port Hughes with the entire family, work, pub, visit from Mum and Dad, work, state Field Days in Lucindale with Jess, pub, work, report-writing madness... and that's about it. Exciting, no?


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