Oh! Blog.

Oh! It's a blog. When life gives you lemons... throw them at someone you don't like.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Two Things

1. I managed to go out tonight without actually closing my back door. It was locked, but not actually pulled closed. My computer, camera, ipod, and photos are all present and accounted for. My common sense is not.

2. Pizza Hut closed down! This would not be of much significance, but it did make me think that there are precious few businesses in Mount Gambier that have survived, unchanged, for my entire Mt Gambier life. With that in mind, I have a mission: to compile a list (how unusual!) of those few unchanged landmarks, and to wander down Commerical Street, and try to remember what was there around 1988-89. Let's see... off the top of my head, Golden Chopsticks Chinese restaurant, The Australian Fish Shop, the NAB and Bank SA, Cosmopolitan Pizza Bar, Exchange Printers, Mac's Auctions, those dusty old jewellers whose names I don't know... there's a few, but not many.


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