Hey! Blog!
What up, Blog? I'm writing stuff in you again, as you can no doubt see.
Blogging was buckets of fun, back in the sunshiney days of JET and Japan. Then, back in Mt Gambier, the combined pressure of a) high school teaching and b) not freaking out was enough of a full-time load to keep me from writing stuff for a while. Then, teaching stopped, and so did writing. Then other stuff happened, and other stuff didn't happen, and then, I got bored and decided to write stuff again. Stuff is kind of a recurring theme, you might notice. So anyways, in the vein of some very wise kittys, I haz blogz, and I are blogging.
Besides pointless rambles about stuff (Stuff!! yeah!!), I'm going to try my hand at criticism; an album of the week project, starting this week with Vampire Weekend's Contra (when I get it, that is). I've also decided that my near-crazy-making tendency to classify and organise everything I encounter is something to be embraced, rather than avoided. So, hopefully, expect some exceedingly inane and OCD-esque lists of stuff. Do I expect anyone to read any of this? Hell no. But that's hardly the point then, is it?
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